It is a very different thing to have already a world class team and add two or three world class players 往一个已经是世界级水准的球队中增加两三名世界级球员,那又是另一回事。 ”
Wigan ' s jewell had conceded that his side had been beaten by “ a world class team with world class players 维甘主帅杰维尔承认,他的球队是被“一支拥有世界级球员的世界级强队”击败。
China national fencing team is world class team who probably will take the first place in the upcoming olympic games with such world star as tan xue 中国击剑队是一支优秀的世界级击剑强队,极有可能在雅典奥运会上争金夺银,队中拥有包括世界冠军